Land Surveyors For Designers

We offer a range of services to enhance your clients projects.

Feature & Level Surveys

  • 3D survey of existing conditions to facilitate accurate design (architect, draftsman, engineer etc.), master planning, and asset management.
  • The preparation of existing condition plans, site and context plans, and design response plans as requested by council for development applications.

Title Boundary Surveys & Advice

  • Title searching; title boundary re-establishment survey incl. determination of fence / building positions relative to boundaries / easements. Detailed advice to clients on resolving issues including adverse possession, general law land, land status (Roads, Reserves etc.) access and use rights.

Facade Surveys/ Elevation Plans

  • 3D Survey of building pacacle  presented as elevation plan.

Structural Building Detail Surveys

  • 3D survey of structural columns, rafters, trusses, canopies and structures for building extensions and modifications.

Earthworks Volume Comparison

  • 3D survey of a surface to calculate a volume against a design or previous surface.

Underground Service Detection Surveys

  • In coordinate with underground detection specialist, locate and map the detected route of underground service assets for records management and pre-works checks.

Vegetation Surveys & Tagging

  • Survey to locate and tag existing vegetation for flora and arbicultural assessments and reports

Clause 56 Assessments & Site Analysis

  • Preparation of plans and reports to accompany development applications in accordance with Clause 56 of the Planning Scheme.

Adverse Possession

  • Title boundary survey to determine the extent of additional land being occupied, and detailed advice regarding the status of land occupied and likely success of a claim.
  • Preparation of abstract of field records, surveyor’s report, plan of survey and overlap diagrams (as required) for lodgement of application by solicitor.


  • Survey to locate document and detail existing assets and features for Councils service authorities and land managers; D-SPEC, R-SPEC, O-SPEC and B-SPEC, and provide digital information as per GISSA standards.