Land and Owners Corporation Surveyors

Residential Property Area Surveys

Survey and plan(s) to determine the area of a residential property in accordance with the Property Council of Australia Guidelines.

Gross Lettable Area Surveys (GLA)

Survey and plan(s) to determine the area of an industrial building / supermarket / showroom in accordance with the Property Council of Australia Guidelines.

Gross Lettable Area Retail Surveys (GLAR)

Survey and plan(s) to determine the area of shopping centre / commercial building / strip shops in accordance with the Property Council of Australia Guidelines.

Net Lettable Area Surveys (NLA)

Survey and plan(s) to determine the area of an office building / business park in accordance with the Property Council of Australia Guidelines.

Asset Surveys

Surveys to locate, detail and map assets for asset and services management.

Survey and compilation of spatial data to create master plans for businesses, schools and estates to enable existing infrastructure to be managed, and facilitate planning for the future.

Title Boundary Surveys & Advice

Title searching; title boundary re-establishment survey incl. determination of fence / building positions relative to boundaries / easements. Detailed advice to clients on resolving issues including adverse possession, general law land, land status (Roads, Reserves etc.) access and use rights.

Survey and report to determine comparison between occupied (fenced) area of land and title dimensions.

Preparation of plans for electrical substation leases, private lease arrangements and Crown Land leases and licenses.

Strata, Stratum, Cluster & Company Share Subdivisions & Owners Corporation Advice

Assessment and examination of historical plans of subdivision. Preparation of detailed advice to existing and prospective owners, and Owners Corporation managers with regard to boundary locations, development options and lot vs. Owners Corporation responsibilities in terms of maintenance etc.

Court Representation

Expert witness services relating to land boundary definition, planning matters and development and conveyancing law.

Adverse Possession

Title boundary survey to determine the extent of additional land being occupied, and detailed advice regarding the status of land occupied and likely success of a claim.

Preparation of abstract of field records, surveyor’s report, plan of survey and overlap diagrams (as required) for lodgement of application by solicitor.


Survey to locate document and detail existing assets and features for Councils service authorities and land managers; D-SPEC, R-SPEC, O-SPEC and B-SPEC, and provide digital information as per GISSA standards.